Monday, February 9, 2009

Yeah, yeah...

I knew the risk when I started this blog. But I thought "No, I can do it. I can keep it updated and not let months go by without writing." And here I am...

Perhaps if I was a more organized, efficient, type-A personality, I would have time to finish all the things I've been working on AND keep this blog updated. But I'm just not.

I do want to keep you interested though.

So a brief update on Jackson. He is doing marvelously well. He's closing in on five months old, and is wearing 6-9 month clothes. He has begun talking. We have no idea what he's saying, but are pretty sure he does. He wants very badly to walk, but just isn't there yet. Many times he will get upset simply because he wants to be standing. So we will stand him on our lap and hold his waist, and he is happy as can be. We're thinking of getting him one of those baby walkers. His spitting up has all but leveled off, though Alana isn't convinced. He has still days where he spews over anything and everything. But those days are steadily decreasing. He started day care and that couldn't be a better situation. Aside from the price. But it's worth it, and we figure we might as well get used to it.

Jackson is a very happy and healthy baby and we are beyond blessed to have him in our lives.

Here's some recent pictures...

And here's an excerpt of what I have been writing...


Weeds stretch to the roof. A rusted lock secures the wooden door. Josh yanks on the lock.

Well, it's locked. Let's go.

Hold on.

Josh searches the ground nearby. Emily takes a closer look at the door.
She brushes off dirt to reveal WORDS ETCHED in the weathered wood.
Josh picks up a large rock and returns.

Look at this.

He looks at the words on the door and tries terribly to pronounce them.

Lay-scaty oh-gnah sper-aynza?

Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate.*

Emily is a little shaken.

What's it mean?

Let's just go.

Hm. No.

Josh SMASHES the lock. It falls to the ground.

Piece of cake.

Josh pushes on the door, it's not opening.

It means 'abandoned all hope, ye who enter here!' Can we please go now?!

Josh has a strange new look in his eyes. Determined.
He steps back and KICKS IN the door. Birds FLY OUT of the chapel. Emily SCREAMS.


Josh starts to walk inside, Emily grabs his arm.


Josh turns. His look has changed even more. Greedy. Creepy.

We'll just stay a minute.

Emily follows Josh inside.

*Gold star for the first to correctly name the literary reference!! :)


Lokken said...

Dante's Inferno. I don't want a gold star. I want money.

Ohthemaddness said...

Me too.

Ohthemaddness said...

Technically, it's "The Divine Comedy". But yeah...